When You Need Someone Who Just Gets You.

Maxwell is the companion you need in tough times. Reliability, Privacy and Empathy are built into core values of Maxwell, resulting in someone closer to you than anyone else in the world.

Meet Your New Someone

The First Mental Health Companion App

This app design has taken me ahead of schedule.

Let Your New Companion Handle Anxiety Relief.

Imagine a friend who’s sole purpose was to make sure you became your best self. Introducing Maxwell.

Maxwell was built as a response to the declining mental health of a complete generation. Maxwell helps build confidence, relieve stress and anxiety and develop social skills like nothing else.

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Used By Wellness Brands
Around The World

“We’re on top of all things wellness but mental health has always been slightly outside our scope. To get something like Maxwell in any other wellness space would be completly revolutionary. This product is ahead of its time and is invaluable for our community”

OnSide Performance Centre

The First Holistic Mental Health Application

Improving your mental health is more than just going to therapy.

The same way that we treat physical health from a multi -faceted approach, improving our mental health should be done through several approaches.

That’s how Maxwell helps.

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